Mime Theatre “A” was founded in 1993. It is a group that promotes the expression of pantomime and movement, creating original and diverse projects: from dramatic performances brimming with tragedy to ironic etudes of the entertaining nature.
The works of Aleksas Mažonas, the founder and art director of the theatre, are diverse, and not closely connected with the classical pantomime principles. In some performances, they are abandoned altogether. He calls his creative style “Soul Dance”. A soul dancer is not constrained, he / she weaves into his / her performances what cannot be learned in any acting school: it is a devotion to movement and the ability to feel the world deep down, to look at it philosophically and to give one’s body to inspiration.
“The struggle of body and soul, low instincts and heavenly flight, creativity and violence, pragmatism and sacred madness. His face is a crowd of faces, it embodies the demon and the saint, the beast and the angel...”, writes I. Žiemytė (Vakarų ekspresas daily).
“Nearly all of the stories are based on my own experiences. It might be a literary work that has touched me. Then I have to “translate” everything into my language, because it has not been written specifically for me”, says A. Mažonas.
The theatre travels extensively around Europe and is a participant of many international theatre festivals, as well as actively participates in festivals and projects that take place in Lithuania. The theatre has collaborated with famous Lithuanian and foreign artists, such as A. Gotesman, A. Šenderov, Ludger Schmidt (Germany) and the Chordos string quartet.
The most prominent productions of A. Mažonas and Mime Theater “A”: “Nostalgija” (Nostalgia). “Kanopos” (Hoofs), “Plakimas” (Whipping), “Krikštas” (Baptism), “Šalta žemė” (Cold Earth), “Styveno juodųjų langų paveikslėliai” (Pictures of Steven’s Black Windows), “Lapkričio siuita” (November Suite), “Dangaus link” (Towards Heaven) and “Pavogtas veidas” (Stolen Face).